We strive to facilitate access to information and library services for all patrons, including neurodiverse community members and those with disabilities, by building a collection that represents all parts of our community, and by flexible delivery of materials and experiences (through digital access, virtual programming, indoor/outdoor gatherings on- or off-site). Our building is in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), with accessible parking for persons with limited mobility available on campus, directly across the street, and a drive-up area for accessible pick-ups and drop-offs. If you need special accommodation with Adult programs or collections, please phone 203-594-5003 or email onlineref@newcanaanlibrary.org. If you need special accommodation with Children's programs or collections, please phone 203-594-5002 or email child@newcanaanlibrary.org.
We offer a diverse range of materials to suit a wide range of needs and interests, including:
- Our large print book collection which has 16-18 point font
- Hundreds of Books on CD to listen to your favorite stories
- Thousands of eBooks & eAudiobooks that can be read or listened to on your phone, tablet, or computer
Need a library item that we do not own? Our librarians are here to help. You can suggest a purchase or request an interlibrary loan and our Collections Development Librarians will get back to you shortly.
We strive to make all of our programs accessible and welcoming to everyone. If you have questions about accessibility or a request for accommodation, please phone 203-594-5002 (Children's Room) or 203-594-5003 (Adult Services) or email child@newcanaanlibrary.org (Children's Room) or onlineref@newcanaanlibrary.org (Adult Services).
While we work to make all of our programs inclusive, we also offer a number of programs specifically for neurodiverse community members and their families/caregivers. These programs include:
- Adaptive storytimes, library orientations, concerts, circus, and science programs for preschoolers and school-aged children
- Adaptive craft programs for teens
- Next Chapter Book Discussion for older teens and adults
- Expert-led talks for parents and caregivers supporting neurodiverse community members of all ages
- Regular meetups for parents and caregivers, led by Inclusive Together and The Twice-Exceptional Network
Please call or email us for more information about these programs, or look for them on our online Events calendar.
Our library is equipped with:
- Magnifying glasses
- Tabletop magnifier for text
- Hearing loops in the Auditorium
- Elevator
- Text-to-speech feature on the Chrome browser on our public computers
Ask at the Children's Room Desk to borrow adaptive seating and manipulatives for use during your library visit:
- Bucket seats
- Wobble seats
- Wedge seats
- HowdaHug seats
- Noise-reducing headphones
- Assorted fidgets
For assistance locating local resources, please contact one of our reference librarians by calling 203-594-5003 or emailing onlineref@newcanaanlibrary.org.
We are grateful to work with a number of wonderful community partners to provide adaptive programs and services.
Inclusive Together is dedicated to educating and empowering the community to create meaningful opportunities for neurodivergent individuals across various aspects of community life. Inclusive Together regularly offers parenting programs at New Canaan Library and has consulted extensively as we developed adaptive children's programs, including our adaptive storytimes and our quarterly library orientations.
Through a national network of cooperating libraries, NLS administers a free library program for circulating braille and audio materials to eligible borrowers, who are unable to use regular printed material because of visual impairment or a physical disability. The materials and free playback equipment needed to read talking books and magazines are sent to borrowers and returned to libraries by postage-free mail. Eligible borrowers can also access books and periodicals through BARD, the NLS Braille and Audio Reading Download online service. Detailed information about NLS can be found on their website.