Program Description
Event Details
The New Canaan Library
Is pleased to present:
7 Ways to Support Your Student’s Study Practice & Executive Functions Without Losing Your Mind
In this highly dynamic, action-specific, and interactive seminar, parents will learn to recognize, address, and reinforce their student's study practice as they return to school.
Parents will learn:
- What are the skills all students need to be successful in school
- Why time management and organization are critical
- The vital role of executive function
- How to keep your student on track and on task
- How can your student eliminate distractions when they study
- How can your student avoid feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious
This webinar is free, but registration is required.
Need more info?
203-307-5455 | |
Participation Guidelines
If your child is under 12 years old, an adult caregiver must remain in the library for the duration of the program. If your child finishes a program early, or if a child becomes ill, distressed, or behaves in a manner that interferes with other participants’ enjoyment of the program, they may be released from class before the program’s end time. Please ensure that your child knows exactly where to find you at all times.