What Happened this Legislative Session? An Update from Our Legislators and What It Means for Us

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Program Description

Event Details

Connecticut's Legislative Session ends on May 8th. What did our lawmakers discuss, what bills did or didn't make it, and what does any of it mean for us at home? Join us for an update from our local legislators, to hear their reports and ask them questions about what's important to you. 

Featuring Representative Keith Denning (District 42), Representative Lucy Dathan (District 142), Senator Ryan Fazio (District 36), and Representative Tom O'Dea (District 125). (Senator Ceci Maher of District 26 is unable to attend.) This program is co-sponsored by the Youth Board of the New Canaan League of Women Voters. 


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We strive to facilitate access to information and Library services for all patrons. If you have questions about accessibility or a request for accommodation, please phone 203-594-5002, email the librarian in charge of this program (see contact info above), or email child@newcanaanlibrary.org with as much lead time as possible.