The Library will be closed Dec. 24 and Dec. 25

Happy Holidays!

Winter Reading

Activity Badges

I Will Badge

I Will

Opens 1/28
What will you do? To complete this badge, write about something you will do this winter; create a goal for yourself! I will read every day; I will be kind; I will learn about other places!

I Can Badge

I Can

Opens 2/4

What can you do? I can climb a tree; I can try my best; I can write a book! To complete this badge, write about something you can do!

I Dream Of Badge

I Dream Of

Opens 2/11
What do you dream of? To complete this badge, write about what you dream of! I dream of meeting a mermaid or I dream of everyone having enough food to fill their bellies!

I Taste Badge

I Taste

Opens 2/18
I taste hot cocoa or snow on my tongue! To complete this badge, tell us what you taste! Try tasting something you've never tasted before!

I Want Badge

I Want

Opens 2/25
What do you want? I want to have a superpower, to fly in the sky or I want to be able to read at SUPER SPEED! To complete this badge, tell us what you want!

Reading Badges

Winter Reading Badges

Log your reading. For every minute you read during 1/28-3/2, log it on Beanstack. It can be a new book or a book you’ve already read! Audiobooks, ebooks and books you own all count!

Completion Badge

Completion Badge

Once you’ve completed the 5 activity badges and 500 minutes of reading, you will earn a 10% off voucher for Elm Street Books!