Program Description
Event Details
We will start class with a presentation from teen volunteer Bradford on the design and construction process behind the roller coaster he built in his yard. We'll take inspiration from his design process and work on our marble run designs, using the Glowforge laser cutter to create prototypes of our designs from cardboard. This will be a fun creative challenge and a great opportunity to see the MakerLab's latest addition in action! This class is co-taught by teen volunteer Bradford and Librarian Laura. Please only register if you can attend both days: Wednesday, July 26 and Thursday, July 27 from 10-11:30am. For ages 10-14.
Bradford is a rising Sophomore at NCHS with a strong interest in structural engineering. He has taught CAD design and 3-d printing classes at NCL as well as built many gadgets and large-scale projects on his own.
Accessibility and Accommodations
We strive to facilitate access to information and Library services for all patrons. If you have questions about accessibility or a request for accommodation, please phone 203-594-5002, email the librarian in charge of this program (see contact info above), or email with as much lead time as possible.
Participation Guidelines
If your child is under 12 years old, an adult caregiver must remain in the library for the duration of the program. If your child finishes a program early, or if a child becomes ill, distressed, or behaves in a manner that interferes with other participants’ enjoyment of the program, they may be released from class before the program’s end time. Please ensure that your child knows exactly where to find you at all times.