Writing Tips: The Setting as a Character

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Program Description

Event Details

In this class we will review and write story lines where setting becomes an important driver in the narrative.  The island setting in Lord of the Flies by Golding is not only a place where the story happens.  It is also an agent that creates a sense of entrapment which escalates the classic story's tension among the characters.

Participants should come to the meeting prepared to write as prompts will be supplied to launch stories with "settings as actors."  Computer laptops are welcome, do not forget powercords.    

Laura Woodward Cavers instructs the class and has ten years experience teaching writing at Darien and New Canaan Libraries.  She holds an MFA in Creative Writing.  She hopes to have her first novel, Bell Weathers, published in 2025.


Accessibility and Accommodations

We strive to facilitate access to information and Library services for all patrons. If you have questions about accessibility or a request for accommodation, please phone 203-594-5002, email the librarian in charge of this program (see contact info above), or email child@newcanaanlibrary.org with as much lead time as possible.